Let The People EAT !
Why are the United States politicians blaming fast food joints for the country's obesity problem? Don't people make their own decisions in this country what to eat? Are people all over the United States being force fed fried foods instead of a salad? If there is an apple on a table next to a chocolate bar in one's house, who is to blame when the kids eat the chocolate bar? So, let's make McDonalds, Burger King, and Wendy's responsible for people's poor choices and not put any blame on the parents. Let's just change all fast food menus to make them healthier while we are at it. Yeah…that's the solution. To the US Government: "Wake up from your dream and stop wasting the tax payers' money on this ridiculous crusade."
Fast food companies should not have to offer healthier options and promote healthier diets. One's parent or loved one should be doing that. Why does government think they need to step in. Do you think that society is that stupid that they do not know what is healthy and what is not? Parents need to teach their children and adults should know what is good for you and what is bad. Schools should then reiterate the same in health class. Isn't that what health class is about? I remember sitting there as a little shit learning about the four food groups. Should fast food chains be responsible for teaching society? I believe NOT.
The rise in obesity is not because McDonalds serves Super Size fries or KFC serving fried chicken. The rise in obesity is because people are not educated and do not care about their health or appearance. If it tastes good, people are going to eat it. One dumb ass congressman, I won't use is full name but his last name is Thompson, recently lost 15 pounds by eating less rice, potatoes, and bread. He lost this weight because he wanted to improve his appearance and be healthier. In losing this weight, fast food companies did not go away. This guy lost the weight from self-control and was educated on how to maintain a healthy diet.
This congressman even stated, "it is important to pressure the food industry, the fast food industry, the soft drink society…getting them to offer healthier foods and put more things on the menu dealing with fruits and vegetables." If McDonalds offered a McFruit salad for dessert, who the hell would order it? If you want fruit, go to a fruit stand. If you want salad, go some where else. If you want a greasy Big Mac, go to McDonalds. People make decisions themselves. They are not being forced to eat something against their will. These people make it sound like you go into a McDonalds and the manager jumps the counter and yells, "Tie that mother fucker down and stuff a Quarter Pounder down his throat." This is food people…it's not heroin. There is nothing in a Whopper that is addictive. Pure and simple, the food tastes good and people like to eat it but there is nothing in the food that you can be addicted to.
And, why is this prejudice only directed towards fast food outlets? What about ever diner and every restaurant? Hey…look at all the bad food in a supermarket. Who is to say that people's weight problems come from fast food. If I recall, I think you can get a grilled cheese sandwich and french fries every day at your local diner. The problem is we don't control what people eat. You can blame McDonalds all you want but who is to stop Little Johnny from skipping a healthy breakfast and eating a cold slice of pizza for breakfast? If you are going to try and change fast food restaurants, you will need to change ALL restaurants.
Now, what if this prejudice was taken to the next level? Let's not make all candy stores sell heads of lettuce. Let's make movie theatres sell buckets of apples and oranges instead of popcorn. Hell, let's make ice cream stands sell cones of broccoli. Come on…this whole issue is a total joke. And what about the reverse. If you are trying to make fast food stores sell healthy products then we should really have to then make health food stores sell products like Doritos and Sweet Tarts. Hey…equal rights for the food supplier's products!
Problem #1 is educating the public and not changing what restaurants serve. Teach them in school what is good and bad to eat. This should fall in the education budget. And, I do now we do teach healthy vs. unhealthy in schools, so this points back to our government being retarded. We have HUGE issues out there that are important. Can you say "Terrorism?" Can you say, "Economy?" Stop worrying about people's personal eating habits.
And, how can you even monitor what a person eats. People have choices (at least they do in this country). How do you know if someone chooses a soda over a water or juice? What about baked potato or fries. Cauliflower over corn with butter? The list is endless. People control their own destiny and make their own decisions that effect their health. Fast food chains are just filling the demand as they are a business out to make money. Maybe we should hire additional law enforcement at the take out counter for people who order too much unhealthy foods. OR, better yet, vote smucks OUT of office who waste taxpayers money thus saving us money in the long run not having to pay useless salaries.
Problem #2 is politicians like the douche bag mentioned above not having a clue. Open up your brain and let some oxygen flow in so you can think before you speak such crap. If you educate the young, then when the young get older, you can make an educated decision on what you want to eat. If you don't care, you should be able to eat what you want Mr. Dictator. The last I checked, most people have SOME common sense. Making fast food chains carry healthier foods isn't the answer. You should know what you are getting when you eat at a fast food chain. And, knowing those consequences, one should go to a gym or take a walk. This congressman even said that "30 minutes of walking would help people." So, this jackass just contradicted himself. Maybe the fast food chains should also be responsible for making people exercise after eating. "Sorry sir…you can NOT leave Wendy's unless you give me 20 pushups and 20 sit-ups." Gimme a break.
Why is this government wasting efforts to change an industry that does not need change? And why are fast food chains taking all of the heat? If I got to a TGI Fridays, I'm NOT getting the salad. I'm getting something yummy with french fries. Is that part of the fight to attack ALL restaurants that carry unhealthy items? All of these lawsuits against these fast food chains need to be throw in the garbage. They again, should NOT be taking all of the heat. These ridiculous lawsuits of obesity should be against EVERY restaurant that has at least ONE unhealthy item on its menu as well as EVERY supermarket, ice cream store, food cart, cafeteria, etc… And some lawsuits should go against the parents for passing along genes that would allow one to get heavy and for the parents that feed their children these unhealthy meals who are too lazy to cook nutritional meals.
I'm embarrassed that my tax money is going towards such a dumb fuckin' crusade by the government. While we are at it, maybe I should track down the chubby kid in 5th grade and help him sue his gym teacher for not providing him with proper exercise.
Come on…I can go on forever but I just want to plant a double Whopper with cheese between my lips because I can !
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